Projects by category

Below, you'll find the creative avenues that truly excite me.


[MIT Hack Hardware Track Winner] A mixed reality experience for children to connect with their plants.


A VR tabletop game that magnifies the chaotic journey of job seeking.

Our Taboo

A tabletop game that discusses digital legacy management for the information era.

Computational Forms

A series of motion graphics and interactive art concepts developed using p5.js.


A multiplayer game where players must collaborate to harness the power of a lamp.

From Birth to Beef

A research-based interactive zine that chronicles that life-long transformation of cattle.

Robin Hood Experiment

An interactive digital platform developed with p5.js to measure children's socio-economic awareness

"Meechu" Classmate Finder

An app designed to connect Boston University students with classmates during remote learning.

Fund Your education

A promotional video for MentorWorks that provides financial service for college students.

3D illustrations

A compilation of playful 3D illustrations and motion graphics created with c4d.

Interstellar 2022

A 3D game that delves into the vast unknowns of the universe, exploring otherness in celestial realms.

The untranslatables

An animation that captures the intricate beauty found within the complexities of translation.

Typographic Posters

A selections of poster designs that use typography as visual forms.

Space Odyssey 2019

A vintage monochromatic zine that explores the emotional affects of romanticism.

The Ruins

A pop-up book that explores the dynamic relationship between humanity and architecture.
May I be your collaborator for our next project?


© Ziyi Skylar Wang 2023 | All rights reserved